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Charter School Options

RD Equine provides education with horses - by teaching youths to care for the horse and learn all about horsemanship, as well as riding – we offer the chance for youths to build character, strength, stamina, plus multiple life skills such as decision making, empathy, teamwork, and leadership.

We also provide a more therapeutic customized learning experience for those with personal challenges on an IEP plan.


We provide three systems of learning with horses:


Weekday Riding Lessons


Sold in week blocks with minimum of 4 ($200 PO), maximum of 12 ($600 PO).


One hour lessons.


Can be private or in pairs.


Contact for availability.

**currently full for privates -

but if you want to pair up with a buddy,

let us know!**


LA Equestrian Youth Troop


Sold in month blocks with minimum of 2 ($250 PO), maximum of 6 ($750 PO).


The more the merrier! 


Sessions are Mondays 4-6pm


IEP Equestrian Experiences


Sold in 10 week semesters ($500 PO).


30 minute sessions.


Can be private or in groups up to 8.


 Sessions are usually Mondays,

contact for availability

Please note that all students and members of RD Equine are required to wear a suitable helmet and appropriate boots at all times around the horses. For safety and liability reasons these are not provided by RD Equine. We can assist you in where to purchase these, or highly recommend for online shopping.

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